The API provides a way to conduct real-time web searches, mainly leveraging Google’s search capabilities, and is useful for tasks requiring quick access to up-to-date information. It focuses on returning specific search results, such as snippets and relevant URLs, making it ideal for developers who need web-based insights integrated into their applications.


This code connects to the Serper Dev Tool and searches for the best city to visit based on factors like weather, season, and prices, returning the top result. It helps users find ideal travel destinations easily.

To use SERPER_API_KEY, you’ll need to create an account and get an API key. For more details refer here.

Set up a SERPER_API_KEY as an environmental variable and run the following code.

export SERPER_API_KEY = "**************************"
from superagentx_handlers.serper_dev import SerperDevToolHandler

async def search(query):
    serper_dev_handler = SerperDevToolHandler()
    return await

async def main(query):
    res = await search(query)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    query='Select the best city based on weather, season, and prices'


serper dev
[{'attributes': {'Missing': 'Select | Show results with:Select'},
  'date': 'Oct 31, 2023',
  'link': '',
  'position': 1,
  'sitelinks': [{'link': '',
                 'title': 'In your opinion, which U.S. city has the best '
                          'combination of cost of ...'},
                {'link': '',
                 'title': 'What city / state has the best year-round weather? '
                          'Excluding ...'},
                {'link': '',
                 'title': 'What us city/metro area do you feel has the best '
                          'weather? - Reddit'},
                {'link': '',
                 'title': 'Which cities (or areas) become way more appealing '
                          'if you can skip ...'}],
  'snippet': 'Lisbon has my vote. Enough of a temperature shift to feel '
             "seasons, but not so much that it's absurd, especially if you "
             'prefer warm to cold.',
  'title': 'What city is the BEST combination of weather and cost of living?'}]