A SQL handler refers to a tool or interface that simplifies the process of interacting with SQL databases. Its main purpose is to help developers run SQL queries, manage data, and connect to databases with minimal complexity. It abstracts away repetitive tasks such as writing complex SQL syntax, handling connections, and managing query results, making it easier to work with databases.

By modifying the database_type parameter, users can easily switch among various SQL databases while keeping their code largely unchanged.

SQLite , MYSQL , Postgres , Mariadb , Oracle , Mssql


This code connects to a SQLite database (designated as DATABASE) and prepares to insert data into a table named test. It specifies the values to be added, making it easy to update the database with new information.


from superagentx_handlers.sql import SQLHandler

async def sql_handler():
    sql_handler = SQLHandler(

    stmt = "insert into test (x, y) values (:x, :y)"
    values = [{
        "x": 23,
        "y": 24
    return await sql_handler.insert(stmt=stmt, values=values)


 "root_connection": "<sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection object at 0x7f3bb8f4d010>",
    "_dbapi_connection": "<sqlalchemy.pool.base._ConnectionFairy object at 0x7f3bb8261f10>",
    "dialect": "<sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite.aiosqlite.SQLiteDialect_aiosqlite object at 0x7f3bb83991f0>",
    "extracted_parameters": [
        "name": "x",
        "value": null,
        "type": "NullType"
        "name": "y",
        "value": null,
        "type": "NullType"
    "invoked_statement": "<sqlalchemy.sql.elements.TextClause object at 0x7f3bd440c140>",
    "compiled": "<sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite.base.SQLiteCompiler object at 0x7f3bb6919610>",
    "cache_hit": "CACHE_MISS",
    "execution_options": {},
    "result_column_struct": {
      "columns": [],
      "has_rows": true,
      "is_complete": false,
      "was_updated": false,
      "was_deleted": false
    "is_insert": false,
    "is_update": false,
    "is_delete": false,
    "is_text_statement": true,
    "compiled_parameters": [
        "x": 23,
        "y": 24
    "unicode_statement": "insert into test9 (x, y) values (?,?)",
    "is_server_side": false,
    "cursor": "<sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite.aiosqlite.AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_cursor object at 0x7f3bb6a80580>",
    "statement": "insert into test9 (x, y) values (?,?)",
    "parameters": [
      [23, 24]
    "row_count": 1,
    "is_soft_closed": true