This documentation provides an overview of the implementation of a WebSocket server for the trip planner pipeline using SuperagentX. The server processes incoming WebSocket requests, authenticates users via query parameters, and handles real-time data processing through the pipeline.
The code sets up a WebSocket server using the WSPipe class from SuperagentX. It integrates a custom authentication mechanism to validate client requests based on a token passed in the query parameters.
Setup Environment
Import the dependencies.
The query_param_auth function authenticates users based on a token included in the WebSocket request’s query parameters. It verifies the token’s presence and validity against the predefined AUTH_TOKEN. If the token is missing or invalid, the server responds with an HTTP 401 Unauthorized status.
The main function initializes the trip planner pipeline using get_trip_planner_pipe. It then creates a WSPipe object, which serves as the WebSocket server for processing requests. The server uses query_param_auth for authentication and dynamically handles incoming data.
This WebSocket server provides a secure and efficient interface for real-time interaction with the trip planner pipeline. By leveraging token-based authentication, it ensures that only authorized users can access the service.